Are you looking for that little bit extra from your accountant?

We offer something different from the traditional Accountancy Practices.

Would you like an accountant that cared about your business' success as much as you do?

ADM Accountancy Services Ltd is a Chartered Management Accountants based in Bishop's Cleeve, Cheltenham. We support businesses throughout Cheltenham and the surrounding areas, including Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Stroud and Evesham.  

We offer more to our clients than traditional accountancy practices.

Xero Services

Xero is a cloud-based platform which means you can access your accounts from any location, on any device, and your accountant can too! If you're working remotely, Xero offers the perfect solution to keep on top of your accounts and view stats in real-time. 

As a Xero Gold Partner, we can train and advise you on Xero and how it can streamline your business accounting. If you need advice transferring your accounts to  Xero, we can help get you up and running!

Our Services

ADM Accountancy offer a broad range of accountancy services to suit small and medium-sized businesses and professional services contractors. From start-ups to established companies looking to expand, we can help your business to reach its full potential.

Case Studies

Our client base covers a wide spectrum of small to medium-sized businesses. We also support successful Professional Services Contractors working in a variety of industries, such as IT, Creative and Marketing. Read more about some of the clients we work for below.

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At ADM, we like to offer something more, read our latest updates below.
By Andrew Moss 08 Oct, 2024
Rapid business growth is incredibly exciting but there are some pitfalls, too. In fact, when poorly managed, rapid growth can actually damage your business. That’s no reason to shy away from growth, but it is important to understand how to best manage it so that you can keep customer satisfaction high as your company expands. Let’s take a look at four key strategies to employ. 1) Hire the Right Team The right team will make all the difference to your business growth. Focus on hiring employees who demonstrate a great attitude. You can train an employee up, but it’s very difficult to change a negative mindset. Of course, the right skills are important but in order to keep turnover rate low and morale high, you need to make sure that new hires fit in well with your company culture. Research by the BDC Network found that a positive company culture can increase operating income by 19% and earnings growth by 28%. 2) Stay on Top of Your Finances When your profits and revenue are rising, it’s tempting to sit back, relax and let your finances take care of themselves, but that would be a big mistake. No matter how well your company is faring, it’s important to create a budget and review it regularly. In fact, the faster your business is growing, the more attention your finances need. Growth, revenue and cash flow changes mean that you will have to implement changes to your current system of financial management. Growth often comes with big costs, too, such as equipment repairs and new hires. You may find yourself in need of financial guidance as your business expands. The time for DIY money management has well and truly passed. Now that your needs are more complex, it may be time to hire a virtual CFO so that you will have access to top-level financial advice without taking on the cost and commitment of an in-house hire. 3) Utilise Working Capital Cash flow management is one of the biggest challenges of business growth. Often, a significant amount of spending is involved in preparation for growth and you may find your reserves running low, even as your profits and revenue soar. A working capital loan can help enormously with funding a high volume of orders, securing new inventory, purchasing new equipment or hiring new team members. There are many different options available, so it’s best to speak to your accountant about the right one for your business. 4) Focus on Your USP As you grow, it’s important that you don’t lose sight of what makes your business unique. Your USP is what will make you stand out from the crowd and continue to attract success. Continue speaking directly to the audience that has gotten you this far and look for new and innovative ways to meet their needs. Data and analytics are enormously helpful with this. AI tools can provide you with valuable feedback to show you what you’re doing well and which activities generate the most profit. This data can then inform your next steps. Keep an eye on this data, too, as new patterns may be revealed as your business evolves. Business growth puts significant demands on business owners, but by hiring the right team, keeping a handle on your finances, utilising working capital and staying focused on your USP, it can be an amazing and exciting process that leads you towards success. Call ADM Accountancy for expert advice with your business accounting on 01242 679767.
By Andrew Moss 14 Aug, 2024
If your business is a car, then cash is the fuel in the tank. Without it, you’ll break down. Furthermore, if you have to stop every few miles to refuel then it becomes very difficult to pick up any significant speed. As a result, the journey will take twice as long. When you’re driving, it’s important to keep an eye on your petrol gauge. Similarly in business, you need to monitor your cash flow closely to identify any problems before they impede your progress. For small businesses, even one unexpected cash flow shortage can lead to a myriad of issues. For example, you may miss payment deadlines and then end up incurring penalty fees and interest. This in turn eats away at your profit margins. The sooner you can spot a potential threat to your cash flow, the more time you will have to prevent it and take steps to minimise the impact. Here’s how to spot an upcoming cash shortage in your business, and what to do about it. Cash flow forecasting In order to create a cash flow forecast, you first need to know how much money is actually entering and leaving your business each month. Once you have this data you can then forecast your cash flow over the coming months. Remember to factor in any additional upcoming expenses and seasonal spikes or slumps in sales. Note that your variable costs will change in accordance with seasonal fluctuations, too. Creating a cash flow forecast will allow you to identify potential problems and create a plan to protect your business. Compare forecasts to real data It’s important to measure how accurate your cash flow forecasts prove to be by comparing them to real data. This will help you to identify issues you may have failed to account for and create more accurate forecasts going forward. It also helps you measure your performance - were your sales significantly higher or lower than predicted? If so - why? Update your figures Don’t create a cash flow forecast once per year and consider it a job done. It’s important to regularly update your forecasts when any changes occur that could affect your cash flow, such as emergency costs, late payments, price increases or new sources of revenue. Prepare for multiple outcomes One problem that new business owners face is a lack of past data upon which to base their cash flow projections. In this case, you should create cash flow forecasts for multiple scenarios so that you will be able to keep a handle on your numbers whatever happens. First, take an educated guess at what your outcome will be. Then, create a second projection with 10% higher sales and a third with 10% lower. Finally, create a best and worst case scenario. There are no guarantees in business but being prepared for multiple outcomes puts you in a stronger position to handle whichever prediction proves true. Emergency measures It pays to prepare for the worst. Even if you’re in a strong cash position right now, it’s important to arrange multiple safety nets in case things to do go south. Ways to do this include: Arranging a line of credit, which is a preset borrowing limit that you can use at any time and pay back in a similar fashion to a traditional bank loan. Creating an emergency cash reserve. It’s always useful to create a cash buffer, and this could prove enormously helpful if disaster strikes. Ideally, you should aim to put aside enough to cover 6 months’ worth of operating expenses. Securing a business credit card. High interest rates mean that business credit cards are not suitable for long term borrowing. However, your card should offer a certain amount of days interest fee, which makes a credit card ideal for smoothing over short term blips. Cash flow shortages can present big problems for business owners, but by creating, updating and comparing forecasts regularly, it’s possible to take steps to prepare for upcoming issues and minimise the impact upon your business. The worst cash flow issues are the ones that take you by surprise, so it really does pay to be one step ahead. Contact ADM Accountancy on 01242 679767 to discuss accountancy solutions for your small business.
By ADM Accountancy 09 Jul, 2024
As a small business owner, it is important to stay on top of your financial transactions. This means tracking every sale and expenditure, in order to keep your business' finances organised. However, this can feel overwhelming when you first get started. You need to track your transactions in order to stay on top of your business' finances and ensure that you are paying the right amount of tax. In this article, we'll take you through how to track your business' finances and the different types of transactions that you need to be aware of. Let's dive in. Daily business transactions There are several different types of transactions that you need to track day-to-day for your small business. These include: Customer invoices Vendor invoices Payroll Banking transactions Customer cheques or deposit slips Cancelled cheques These are just a few of the transactions that you need to track on a daily basis. Depending on the type of business you run, there may be other transactions that you need to track as well. For example, if you sell products online, you will also need to track inventory and shipping costs. It's important to keep on top of these transactions, as they will give you a clear insight into your business' finances. This way, you can make sure that you are keeping accurate records and that your business is running smoothly. Month-end transactions At the end of each month, you will also need to track some additional transactions. These include: Bank reconciliation Accounts receivable Accounts payable Cheques and deposit registers Sales report Inventory ageing report Payroll register Monthly income statement Balance sheet Tracking these transactions will give you a clear picture of your business' financial health. This way, you can identify any areas where you may need to make changes or improvements. You should also compare these transactions against the previous month, as well as the same month last year, to get a clear picture of your business' growth. Year-end financial transactions At the end of the year, you will need to track some additional financial transactions. These include your annual: Income statement Balance sheet Cash flow statement These documents are important for tax purposes. They will also give you a good indication of your business' financial health for the year. This way, you can identify any areas where you may need to make changes or improvements before problems begin to pile up. Cloud accounting software It may seem impossible to keep track of all these transactions, but thankfully there are some tools that can help. Enter: cloud accounting software. Cloud accounting software makes it easy to track your business' finances and see where your money is going. This way, you can make sure that your records are accurate and up-to-date. With cloud accounting software, you can automate invoices, upload receipts via your smartphone, keep an eye on cash flow and generate detailed financial reports with the click of a button. This way, you can gain detailed financial insight into your business whilst also saving time. There are many different cloud accounting software options available, we recommend Xero as our preferred software for business. Each of these software options has different features and pricing plans. It’s best to speak to your accountant or financial advisor about the program and subscription package that best suits the needs of your business. Keeping on top of your small business' financial transactions is essential for keeping accurate records and ensuring that your business is running smoothly. Trust us, in three months’ time, you’ll be extremely glad that you started tracking today. Speak to one of the team at ADM Accountancy on 01242 679767 about our accounting packages.

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